Want to get involved?

Join our free Discord for ongoing opportunities

Join our Discord for weekly events, constant conversation with other members, and to potentially be on the podcast.

Become a subscriber to gain influence over the podcast

All subscribers gain the ability to vote on polls and suggest future topics, with higher-tier subscriber's votes carrying more weight.

Subscribers greatly increase their chance to be on the podcast

For our ask-me-anything and group discussion episodes, we'll fill the limited available slots starting with subscribers.

How does membership work?

Step 1: Sign up on Patreon

Head over to the Curious Apes Patreon page, link your Discord account, and select the level of support that is most comfortable for you.

Step 2: Recieve Unique Discord Role

Once you've completed step 1, you'll automatically be promoted to your unique role on Discord, and you'll now be able to see "Patreon" only channels (as shown on the right).

Step 3: Gain influence & priority access to recorded events

When filling spots for events, we'll move through the list of subscribers, starting with gold, silver, bronze, and lastly to free users. You'll also have increased voting power for polls determining future content.

Subscription Plans

Support the podcast and gain exclusive access to community events

Tier 1 - Bronze

$5 / month

  • Shiny Bronze Name in Discord
  • Subscriber Role on Discord with Exclusive Channel Access
  • Priority Access to AMA and Community Discussions
  • Cast 2 votes in weighted polls
  • On-going perks and exclusive opportunities for involvement

Tier 2 - Silver

$10 / month

  • Shiny Silver Name in Discord
  • Subscriber Role on Discord with Exclusive Channel Access
  • Increased Priority Access to AMA and Community events
  • Cast 4 votes in weighted polls
  • On-going perks and exclusive opportunities for involvement

Tier 3 - Gold

$20 / month

  • Shiny Gold Name in Discord
  • Subscriber Role on Discord with Exclusive Channel Access
  • Highest Priority Access to AMA & community events
  • Cast 6 votes in weighted polls
  • On-going perks and exclusive opportunities for involvement